LocDown Series

Typical Classroom function locksets are designed to be locked or unlocked from the exterior, with the interior always in an open position. The new LocDown™ Classroom Intruder Locksets by MARKS USA, are designed to be locked or unlocked from the exterior, always open on the interior, but allows in emergency life safety situations, the teacher to secure the classroom without stepping into the hallway to lock the outside handle.
Latch by lever either side except when outside lever is locked from inside or outside by key. When locked, exterior key will retract latchbolt. Outside key locks or unlocks exterior lever. Inside key is single acting in one direction and will lock exterior lever only; will not unlock exterior lever. Auxiliary latch deadlocks latch. Inside always free for egress.
ArchiTech N90L with Lock Down
- ArchiTech Wireless Access Control LocDown® Locks, standalone locks or locks networked campus-wide via 802.11 or Ethernet - Enterprise security integration, too
- Keyfob-Activated Lockdown & bright flashing strobe indicator on inside door gives security control & peace of mind to occupants
- Lock down One Door or a Global Lock Group in seconds from any keyfob on the system (each with programmable access, lock- and unlock-privileges)
- Customizable, sleek minimalist look, choice of levers, multi-technology access ID readers, in various colors, shapes & architectural finishes
- Quickly retrofits any standard door lock; cylindrical models feature easy surface mount electronics & years of battery life (AAs), on all doors
- Keyless access for up to 5000 users, w/ 500 Scheduled Events & 36,000 Event Log. Integration with partner programs, Software House®, Lenel/Onguard® & Continental CA4K®

ArchiTech Networx N90L LocDown Lock, shown, with silver oval HID Prox ID Reader & American Lever in US26D.
The School Access Control Vulnerabilty Index
For more info or assistance please contact Sales at 1.800.645.9445

- Marks USA has made compliance with the Buy American Act (BAA) and American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) easy. Marks USA is an American manufacturer of quality door hardware products with manufacturing facilities in Amityville, NY. Marks USA is an American brand trusted throughout the door hardware industry.
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