Buy America
Marks USA has made compliance with the Buy American Act (BAA) and American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) easy. Marks USA is an American manufacturer of quality door hardware products with manufacturing facilities in Amityville, NY. Marks USA is an American brand trusted throughout the door hardware industry.
You can trust that the BAA & ARRA compliant products we offer will provide the long lasting quality that you have come to expect from The Marks USA Company. It’s a matter of money… The type of job and how it is funded dictates which Act, and its corresponding rules, is applied. Keep in mind these general guidelines:
Buy American Act
Federal Government Procurement Examples include military bases, government buildings, etc.
Buy American Act 51% Rule waived in favor of Trade Agreement Act of 1979.
Allows NAFTA & WTO/GPA Distressed Nations Exception is Homeland Security Requires 100% Made in USA items.
Waivers can be applied for if the following conditions are met: The product is not available domestically or via NAFTA & WTO GPA trade partner countries. The cost of the domestic product is 6% greater than the cost of the import. Procuring the domestic product will cause significant delay. The domestic product is inferior to the import.
American Recovery & Reinvestment Act
State & Municipal "Shovel Ready" jobs that received federal funds.
Examples include water treatment facilities, roadwork, state & municipal buildings, subsidized housing, etc.
Requires that finished goods are manufactured and/or assembled in the USA*.
Trade Agreement Act of 1979 DOES NOT apply – NAFTA & WTO/GPA countries' products are not allowed on ARRA funded projects.
Imported items regardless of trade status may not be used unless the contracting officer applies for a waiver.
Waivers can be applied for if the following conditions are met: The product is not available domestically. The cost of the domestic product is 25% greater than the cost of the import. Procuring the domestic product will cause significant delay. The domestic product is inferior to the import. *Requires a "significant change" in product to occur in the USA without reference to raw material origin.

- Marks USA has made compliance with the Buy American Act (BAA) and American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) easy. Marks USA is an American manufacturer of quality door hardware products with manufacturing facilities in Amityville, NY. Marks USA is an American brand trusted throughout the door hardware industry.
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