Press Releases
For Immediate Release
Jan. 25, 2017
Contact: Michele Clark
NAPCO Security Technologies, Inc.
333 Bayview Avenue
Amityville, NY 11701
1-800-645-9445 x477
Marks USA Locks Earn Miami-Dade County Florida NOA Component Approval for Proven Strength & Reliability – Even in a High Velocity Hurricane Zone
Amityville, NY – Marks USA, a division of Napco Security Technologies, Inc. is pleased to announce its cylindrical and mortise locks have received a Notice of Acceptance (NOA) from the Miami-Dade Country Regulatory and Economic Resources Board and Code Administration Division, and have been tested to comply with Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone – known to be some of the toughest standards in the country.
With Miami-Dade County Product Control Approval, these Marks USA products have undergone rigorous testing and have been approved, as lockset hardware devices for use on commercial steel doors, in the county and the state, i.e., other areas where allowed by the AHJ (authority having jurisdiction): 95-Series Survivor™ Grade 1 Cylindrical Locksets, 175-Series Economy Locksets, 5-Series Nova™ Mortise Locksets and 130-Series Defender™ Locksets.
While Marks has long promoted the fact that many of its popular products have been proven to meet or exceed tough standards for durability, by as much as 3-times, for as many as 3 million cycles, i.e., BHMA ANSI Grade 1 Rating,156.2, Bill Sporre, Marks VP Global Sales & Marketing said, "it's gratifying to see that our locks stood up to these tough NOA tests for large missile impact, air filtration, cyclic wind pressure loading, forced entry and static pressure. I tell customers all the time, ours is the last lock they’ll need to put on a door." Marks also stands behind its products with a Lifetime Mechanical Warranty, an industry first.
The Marks USA NOA certificate, No. 16-3016.03, is available online at or, or for more information on Marks USA Locking products, ask your Marks Sales Representative or distributor or contact us at 1.800.526.0233 or via email

- Marks USA has made compliance with the Buy American Act (BAA) and American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) easy. Marks USA is an American manufacturer of quality door hardware products with manufacturing facilities in Amityville, NY. Marks USA is an American brand trusted throughout the door hardware industry.
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