Continental opens more government doors
With a long heritage in government access control, from FBI Quantico to the Federal Reserve Bank, from Langely Airforce Base to Wallops Island, and from the Port Authority of NY/NJ to the USCIS, DHS and DOD, today, Continental's total systems approach delivers unrivaled features and no-delay high-speed processing all designed to meet new and future FIPS201 and TWIC requirements.
- Panels process full cardholder CHUID numbers from all FIPS201, TWIC and CAC cards and reader formats
- Unique no-delay realtime evaluation of cards and expiration dates right at panels - key for high — traffic areas and for embedded contractor or vendor access dates
- High speed processing – door-open times of ½ second plus 10-times faster
system communications and full panel downloads in as little as 3-seconds - Onboard storage for up to 1 million cards or 500,000 full-data FIPS PIV cards; 75, 128 and 200 bits
- Future 256 bit PIV and biometric minutiae fi le support
- Easy-to-administer CardAccess Software with EZ PIV-Badge Enrollment Utility with data-error check for FIPS, TWIC and CAC formats. Also featuring: Enhancedthreat level management with global lock-down, dynamic maps, multiple antipassback areas, web client remote access, NVR/DVR integration, etc.
- Government legacy system support and easy, economical FIPS201 upgrades with virtually no downtime
GSA Contract #GS-07F-0039H

- Marks USA has made compliance with the Buy American Act (BAA) and American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) easy. Marks USA is an American manufacturer of quality door hardware products with manufacturing facilities in Amityville, NY. Marks USA is an American brand trusted throughout the door hardware industry.
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